# How do I define @ as an alias of the root of the project in Next.js?

To define @ as an alias for the root directory in a Next.js project, you can configure it in your Next.js project's jsconfig.json or tsconfig.json file, depending on whether you are using JavaScript or TypeScript. See section Set up Absolute Imports and Module Path Aliases (opens new window) of the Next.js documentation for more information. Here’s how to set it up:

# 1. Add @ Alias in jsconfig.json or tsconfig.json

  1. Create or open your jsconfig.json or tsconfig.json file in the root of your Next.js project.

  2. Add the baseUrl and paths properties to define the alias.

      "compilerOptions": {
        "baseUrl": "src/",
        "paths": {
          "@/*": ["./*"]

    Here’s what each part does:

    • "baseUrl": "." sets the base directory for absolute imports to the root.
    • "@/*": ["./*"] maps @/ to the root directory (./), so you can use @/path/to/file to access any file from the project root.

# 2. Import Files Using the @ Alias

Now, you can import files relative to the project root by using @ as the alias. For example:

import Component from '@/components/Component';
import { helperFunction } from '@/utils/helper';

# 3. Restart the Development Server

After setting up the alias, restart your development server to apply the changes.

# Notes

  • This configuration will work for both JavaScript and TypeScript in Next.js.
  • Make sure to install the appropriate ESLint or VSCode settings if you want autocompletion or linting support for the @ alias.
Last Updated: 2 months ago